Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Erieau Hot Couple of the Week 03/21/06

Hello Spring Flingers,

I bet that you're not surprised by this week's Hot Couple. Observe the top pic. It was taken in January '05 when their mackin' was still fresh and new. Trixxxie's got mad cowgirl skills, so she lassoed the Bman with her scarf of love. There's no way a dude who hosts semi-annual Phantasia joints is gonna turn down nasty woolen rainbow bondage. Still, we all wondered, can 2 freakers keep freakin' for the long haul or would Trix be left singing that old Lefty Frizzell nugget "Ever Since my Masochistic Baby Left Me, I got Nothing to Hit but the Bottle"?

Observe the bottom pic. It was taken on Friday night. Fourteen months and the hot fuss is still fo' shizzle. You know late in the evening, Trixxxie is dialling: "Hello 911 ....I'm on fire!"

Hence Trixxxie and Bman are the Erieau Hot Couple of the Week!


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