Thursday, October 12, 2006

Phyllis Dillah's Baby Momma!

Hello Snowbunnies,

So Fleabee-geebie is mad @ me for accidently torching a Scarecrow when butting out a Peter Jackson. I'm not allowed in the Sandbar because I keep leaving the waitresses little kitties instead of tips, so where's a gangsta to find refreshment on Rondeau Bay? It's gotta be Dove's Bayside Bistro for sure. So feel the pain when saturday Night, this group of Erieaunians came into the joint. I overheard some Rondeaunians at the bar (the same ones who threw Patches in the bay dudes) comment on this Motley Crue:

"He looks like a dude that gets his rocks off drinking Red Bull Margarittas & watching the kind of Star Trek Episodes where T'Pau and Cpt.Kirk get their freak on w 7 randy, knee-high, space elves"

"She looks like she was waaay surprised to find a big black dildo on her seat in the Hot-Tub"
"She looks like she went AWOL from the Hipster army after taking the purple acid and scoring some bad knock-off handbags. Call Colonel Klink"
"He looks like the long lost heir to a "finger lickin' good" fortune!"

Rondeaunians...cruel but insiteful.

And now for a political message soon paid for by the concerned party:

Dudes, the "Erieau News" has wagged the dawg in this municipal election. I present our home-grown (organically of course) candidate Ken Bell for Councillor:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Trixie, you can't pluck flowers out of the ground here in Rondeau like you can in Erieau! It's a goddamned PROVINCIAL PARK you know! Now you go put that orange lilac back where you found it or I'm going to evict you for 72 hours and/or fine you $5,000! And stay away from the freakin' cottagers, they don't belong here and they all piss in the lake! Rich American bastards! Goddamn it, my lime disease is flaring up again! See what you did!!!

7:38 a.m.  

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