Monday, May 01, 2006

Rhyme of the Erieau Mariner.....

Word Kitties,
Did you ever think that in the eyes of virtually everyone in the world, we are very lucky to be living in a village edged on 3 sides by freshwater? Come on Y'all, pure water is a reactant in life-sustaining aerobic cellular respiration, a cornerstone of sacrament in every major religion and absolutely delicious when added, in small volumes, to Crown Royal. Potable water, as a precious commodity, transcends even earthly need. Ask Tom Cruise and he'll tell you it's why Xenu and the Body Thetans chose to wage their intergalactic battles here on the shores of Lake Erie, nearly 18 gajillion years ago. So the bottom line is Freshwater rocks.Now, I know you're thinkin' "Krazy Legg's Cousin, if Freshwater is so Ghetto-Fabulous, why is the globe nearly 70% covered in Saltwater and why would anyone who lives on a peninsula in Lake Erie tear down a bar and put in a Saltwater pool... Fool?"

I'm not saying saltwater is bad news contraire. Human bodies have salt water o' plenty. The concentration of Sodium Chloride in the human body is around 3.5 %, and that's pretty simpatico with ocean water. We use saline solutions to treat wounds, clean contact lenses and rim margarita glasses. In swimming pools, NaCl is a cheap, body-friendly and natural way to keep the water clean. Also, according to Archimedes, objects are lighter and more buoyant in salt water (except cell phones, Matinee Special Mild Menthols and car starters) and that's therapeutic for joints and bones and good for preventing Eureka! maybe the pool was a good call. All I'm sayin' is maybe someday, instead of swimming at the beach, you should give a salt water pool a try. You could get some friends together and check one out daylight hours, with a life-guard on duty and the pool owner's permission of course. Here's another therapeutic use of salt water from India ...try this when you're tired of swimming laps


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to get together for recreation baseball at the Erieau Diamond, ask at the bar or your neighbour or anyone'd be fun to get a casual league happening.

3:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If ya want to get together for a SWIM at the forbidden POOL, meet at OJj's Midnight this SAT, bring your house keys and cigs to leave behind.

12:35 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats up with the no show Saturday nite for the salt water swim and where the "h" is the sign up sheet for the b.ball?
I can't just sit in the bar day after day waiting .....can I?
Lets get a little committement from the locals? hahaha

10:42 a.m.  

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