Crackheads love Tomatoes!
Hello Masochistic Leaf Fans,
So Moneysense Magazine named freakin' tomato-pickin' Leaminton as the best place to live in CANADA, not SW-Ontario, but the whole damn country.
I say props to Sun Parlour kitties because they're on Lake Erie and Stompin' Tom Conners wrote a song about them. Also, it must be fun waking up to wafts of ketchup, pig manure and baby food each morning. But seriously check the sunsets and vistas from our village, then tell me the Moneysense Pollsters weren't on crack....never gonna happen.
Hi SPBabe,
Admittedly, Leamington is a nice town....but you've got to be kidding about the "internationally known" wine region! Do you think folks in Sonoma or Bourgogne set down their own furit of the vine to sip on Pelee Island Flying Squirrel or Red-Winged Blackbird wine? That swill is only compatible with Heinz Baked Beans.
Also, there is no Beerstore in Erieau ...which may indeed be why Moneysense overlooked it in their little survey.
Hey Erieau people, let's show some respect for our Leaminton brethren. It is very difficult to make wine and ketchup. With wine, you have to put GRAPES in the bucket and stomp on them. With ketchup, you have to put TOMATOES in the bucket and stomp on them. If you get this wrong, or forget to clean-out the bucket between batches, you're left with a heck of a mess. Peace.
Hey SunParlour Tomato,
If you insist on being a spelling's "Krazy Legg's Cousin"...with a K, fool.
That's hillarious people. Just for your information.... this blog here is only for people with a sense of humour. If you lack one, you should apparently move to Leamington.
As for the unemployment? Wouldn't you be happy knowing you didn't have to work? Or how about this??? Is there not a huge amount of truth in saying that since Erieau was bought out by Leaminton fisheries, we wouldn't have such unemployement in Erieau? Remember back to the day that the fisheries would go directly to the high school in Blenheim and offer big dreams of eternal employement on the lakes through commercial fishing? Should we all move to the tomato capital, just because times have changed and now to fillet your fish you have to do it in leaminton? Yeah, you guys hold a big one over us eh?
Proud to be part of the fantastic humour filled community of Erieau.
Bet you don't have any princess' in Leamington. Or any hot bartenders that you would want to go three way even if one is male. I don't know that the identity of the blogger has even been depicted as a male so whats up with that?
Hey, leave the poor bartenders out of this, I am pretty sure that they don't want anything to do with a tomato hugging, wine natzi anyway.
I think spbabe should maybe drink some of that Leamington wine, learn to relax, and think about telling the world about their "wonderful" town on their OWN blog!!
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