Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Show Ya the Numbers!

Hello Euclidian Geometrixes,

Welcome to the 65th Post of the Erieau News. To underline the auspiciousness of this occasion, let me remind you that if the blog and Crazy Mary were both trees, the difference in their trunk rings would be undiscernable to the nekked eye. If the blog was a person, Stephen Harper would be cuttin' it a check for $400 each month (anyone know where a blog can get a SIN?). If the blog were a kitty, this would only be the 9.286th post. There are 5 more postings on this blog than there are ounces in a Texas Mickey....although the headaches and nausea after finishing either are quite comparable. If you had a bass for every post on this blog, the MNR would shake you down. That's a whole lot of time spent at the Erieau Library, Topcats! And to think the whole thing started in an attempt for me to find a creative cyber-activity other than surfing Assporn!

I must admit, I'm surprised how many hits our village news garners. With a trusty site tracker, the blog has recorded about 6800 visitors (which is like 104.615 hits/post) from exotic locales like New Zealand, TaiPei, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Buenos Aires and Europe. Don't get freaked by the graph shown above (there won't be a test) but it shows the country of the last hundred Erieau News visitors. Most of the traffic is local, but there also regular visitors from Barrie, Calgary, Florida, Ohio, Toronto, London and Michigan. Most people visit between 9-10am (Slackass workers) and most of y'all hang out on the blog for 2.48 minutes. Most vistors visit directly from a "favorites" link(thanks dawgs) and the most referrals come from search engine checks for "Erieau + Ontario", "Erieau News", "Molly and OJs" and "Erieau + fish". So bottom line on the stats chat for those of you who never rocked Finite Math and Differential Calculus at Erieau PS is simply this, People in the Cyberworld Heart Erieau and it's peeps! The numbers don't lie. And BTW, if you took the ratio of the circumference of the pie chart above to it's diameter, you'd get 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510....ok I'm surfing back over to AssPorn.com again now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Erieau Blogger,
Bets are the hits from New Zealand are from a local who has been down there since Sept. 05 , comming home in a couple months and trying to keep up with the local news.
Keep up the great job!!

7:51 a.m.  

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